Quant UX Con 2024 Supporters

Individual supporters help make Quant UX Con available and affordable worldwide.

Thank you to these generous individual supporters!

Sally Xia

Justin Wolf

Kiayni Spearman

Charlese Saballe

Martin Pielot

Megan Peitz

Carl Pearson

Yi Wei Li

Phillip Hunter

Krysta Harrison

Kate Garvey

Jennifer Fraser

Jeff Dotson

Chris Chapman

Mario Callegaro

Regard Booy

Barbara Baptista

How to Support Quant UX Con

Quant UX Con may be supported in any of these ways:

Quant UX Con is organized by the Quant UX Association, a US 501(c)(3) nonprofit association.

© Quant UX Association 2024. Quant UX Con is produced by the Quant UX Association, a US nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational organization.